I write this letter to express my sincere thanks to you and Meshtec Security Screens (M) Sd. Bhd for the wonderful job done at my new house, which I must say has been very well organized and also well fitted with your Majestec Screens.

Home is a place that we have to protect from outside intruders and MAJESTEC™ is strong with nice design??? Interview with Khun Lena Asawateera, Managing Director of Dino Paint Company Limited, another valued customer of MAJESTEC™ Premium Security Doors & Windows.

Mr.Tawsit Eeammongkolkan,the owner of the construction firm,one of our customers had told us the reason why he chose and relied on our products.

One of our customers, Ms. Kanchana Chiempitayanuwat had told us why she chose our products. "When building a house, and you know that you need to install the insect screens and grilles into a house.

Ms. Warunee Phromhitir Conti, an engineer at the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority of Thailand, is one of our prestigious and valued customers who have given their trust to Majestec™ Security Doors and Windows.